Numerology for May

Numerology for May: Partnership, Peace and Intuition.

March Numerology

March Numerology: time for forgiveness, love and compassion.

Numerology for February

Numerology for February: achieving success in a time of empowerment

Numerology for 2022

Numerology for 2022: what are the possibilities for you this year?

Saying Goodbye to 2021 and Welcoming 2022

We used a powerful technique to cut ties with the past so what we want to leave behind does not carry forward into 2022. We explored a new way of setting intentions for the New Year. And a snapshot of the Numerology for 2022.

Solstice Relationship Healing

Are you experiencing challenges with a relationship with partner, family member or friend right now? The focus in on healing in this call.

Practical Spirituality

And how it is relevant to living with COVID and Lockdowns.

Physical Healing Experiment

The stunning results showed that physical health issues can be healed by addressing mental/emotional issues. Recently I conducted a Healing Experiment with 5 brave volunteers to address Physical Health issues.   The results exceeded my…

Freeing Yourself

Do you Feel isolated?  Find it hard to make decisions?  Have difficult expressing yourself?  Avoid social situations? Lack confidence?  Anxiety? Addictions? It’s likely you have the sneaky, silent saboteur called “shame” undermining…

Numerology for July

Saying what you Mean. July is the time for speaking your deepest truths. Hear more now: