Winter Solstice

Now is a powerful time for change. Are you ready to let go of old patterns that are no longer working for you? Are you ready to open to new possibilities and opportunities, in line with your Soul's desire?

Numerology for June and Spotlight on Relationships

Maintaining your identity in relationships, being authentic, while also having connecting in meaningful ways in relationships is a theme for June.

The Truth About Stress

It can seem like a badge of honour to say "I am stressed." Yet the evidence is out: it is not good for you! Research suggests that 85% of all illness is at least partially caused by stress and anxiety. How could this be? Let's consider what…

Body Wisdom 3

Healing Work:  Our body’s default setting, its natural direction is good health and wellbeing.  We can learn how to support our body by creating the space for it to self heal.  We don’t have to “do” anything or even “think” anything…

Opening to Change

Are you ready for change? In your relationships? Your finances? Your health? In this recording we create the space for new beginnings using some powerful healing techniques. Are you ready for that?

Body Wisdom 2

Body Whispering:  When we listen to how our body feels we can get answers that come from a deeper place of awareness. Our body is our physical presence in this world.    It is always in the present, always here now.  It holds the physical…

Body Wisdom 1

Night and day our five senses are continually downloading information from the external world that we process. We can be overloaded by all this input. Your day might start with an alarm, or the call of a child, the flow of water in the shower…

Lookout? Look in!

It’s in our very DNA to be on the lookout for danger.  So we have a predisposition to worry.  And we can always find something to worry about! Much of our stress comes from our experience of the external world.  We worry about the past:…

Change is in the Air

Change is in the air!!! After the “stuckness” of last year now is the time to step into our power in whole new ways. Find out more in this audio.

Self Empowerment

Are you feeling blocked, stuck, trapped in some areas of your life? Maybe trying to resolve challenging relationship issues at work or at home? Maybe stuck in work that is unfulfilling or even stifling? Are money worries weighing you down, seeming…