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The Freedom Forum

From Striving to Thriving

The Freedom Forum is a Monthly Membership Group designed to help you live a fulfilling life of joy, vitality and freedom.  It includes live weekly calls, a community of like minded people and powerful healing methods.

Would you like to join a Wisdom Seeking Community to work together weekly to grown in self awareness and self confidence, to better understand yourself and make the changes you desire?

What people are saying...

In the Freedom Forum you will...

How it impacts people’s lives

Meet your host, Annie Sorell

We’re here to embrace our authentic selves and pursue our unique dreams. Clearing old programming lets our true, loving and wise self emerge. This transformation profoundly impacts our relationships and life journey. Trusting in life and that the Universe has our back brings a life of greater ease and joy.

I bring to the Forum what I have learnt from a full life and over 20 plus years of counselling experience, my inner journey and outer study. My  passion is to assist others to live the life they desire, their way.   I am a Wholistic Counsellor, Meditation Instructor, Emotional Freedom Techniques Therapist and Numerologist, plus many other modalities.

Everything you're getting inside the Freedom Forum

Each call is a combination of meditations, information sharing, personal exploration and healing techniques.

Monthly Subscription

AUD 47 Once a month
  • All subscriptions renew automatically. Subscription commences on the day of enrolment.
  • It can be cancelled at any time and will finish when the last day for the current payment period ends.

3 Month Subscription

AUD 127 Every 3 months
  • All subscriptions renew automatically. Subscription commences on the day of enrolment.
  • It can be cancelled at any time and will finish when the last day for the current payment period ends.